Sunday, October 23, 2022

The First Day of School 2022

Well... all good things come to an end. And the summer finally did. It was a great summer. We did a lot of very fun things and had some amazingly memorable trips. And it felt like it was a decently long summer. But time just keeps ticking away and eventually the new school year had to begin. Benny is the lone ranger at the elementary school this year. A car rider as well because he's out-of-zoned since being in our new house and doesn't have a bus route. We are both a little bummed about that. 

Benny was off to school before the other 2 woke up! Middle school for Ivy this year! She was the most excited to start back up again. Jackson is king of the school as an 8th grader and they will both do just fine this year. Because I have to drive Benny to school I don't get back in enough time to get these 2 on the bus but they take the bus home which is nice. It drops them off right at the end of our street!

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