Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Grandpa and Wendy Come to Visit!

A couple days after Christmas my dad came to visit!! Yay! We love our visits with Grandpa! We didn't do anything that anyone else would say was very exciting... mostly spent time around the house... but it was the best time together and the way we like to enjoy their visits! They flew in Tuesday evening and we had dinner together at home. Most of the day Wednesday we played basketball and pickleball outside. The weather was beautiful and it was so fun and also so exhausting! We were supposed to hit Drive Shack that night but decided we'd pick dinner up, eat in, and try Drive Shack the next night. Thursday we spent around the house playing Sequence and Yahtzee. Daniel got home early for us to hit up Drive Shack (that was Benny's Christmas gift to them) and we had a great time! The next day we did more of the same and they flew out that evening. We loved playing cards and eating ice cream each night. It was a fun few days and we miss them already!!

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