Saturday, September 3, 2022

More in the Life of Ivy

This girl has had a very busy month!! First, she had her end of the year chorus concert. Her music teacher, Ms. Waller, knows how to put on a good show! The song selections are on point and the length of time is spot on. She even put together an adorable slide show for all the "graduating" 5th graders. It was a great program. Ivy had a legit solo and she did amazing!!! She had a slip at the end and forgot the words but recovered quickly and I couldn't be prouder of this singing beauty!! Also fun to note... we had to rush from her concert to the football field where she's the quarterback of her team!

If there is one thing at school that Ivy loves it is field day. Field day happens at the end of each year and each class for each grade level competes against the other classes in various events (tug of war, musical chairs, egg toss relay, shoe kicking, running, etc...) by placing you earn points and the team with the most points at the end of the competition wins. Well my girl is very competitive and has her events that she excels at (tug of war and musical chairs to be exact). It was fun getting these pictures from her teacher at the end of the day and while her team didn't place first (they placed 3rd), Ivy did get first in her events so she was a happy girl. 

Last, but not least, this girl graduated from elementary school!! We missed the last day of school because we were in Ireland so she didn't get to attend her actual "graduation" but she did get to go to the 5th grade dance/party the Friday before. It was a neon theme and this girl loves a good theme! Can't believe she's heading into middle school!

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