Thursday, September 8, 2022

Extra Pictures from May

Jackson had a minor case of "senioritis" as the school year came to a close, even though he's just a 7th grader. And he has a hard time behaving himself sometimes. After a poor episode on the bus I made him write his bus driver a 1 page note apologizing. He wasn't sure he could come up with a full page but after hearing me go on and on and on he seemed to get the picture. He may have quoted me a few times but I had to laugh with what he came up with:  
We love our pup!!
I will never tire of pictures of my sleeping babies. Those freckles are scrumptious. 
A blustery evening at the end of our new dock!
By the skin of his teeth this kid passed off all his 1st grade sight words!! A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into that list right there!! (mostly tears)
Dinner with my kiddos. 
Realizing we needed fancy clothes for Maddie's wedding day I dug out Jackson's old suit. Luckily it fit Benny! (mostly). We had to go out and buy Jackson a new suit but he'd been needing one... quite the handsome devil if you ask me!

Here's a funny story. This cute group of travelers were on their way to the airport, headed to Ireland for the wedding, when not more than 5 miles from home, they got a flat tire. Talk about panic!! They were already running late. So Shanda and I drop everything to scoop them up and deliver them safe and sound to the airport. Good news is they made it!! And we were excited to join them in just a couple day!

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