Wednesday, September 29, 2021


School started on a Thursday. After the first 2 days of school the kids started their first full week of school. On Tuesday I got a call from the school that someone Benny sat next to on the bus tested positive for Covid so he needed to be quarantined. Oh geez.... here we go...
Luckily Benny and Ila were both quarantined at the same time!! So Shanda and I switched off days. He had some school work to do but it was mostly just an extra week of summer. 

So Benny was clear to go back to school the next Monday. That afternoon I received a call from the middle school that Jackson had come in direct contact with someone who tested positive for Covid and he needed to quarantine for the remainder of the week. Oh boy... 
Here was his school set up:

I had 1 full week of my kids being in school and then I got the fateful call that Ivy needed to be quarantined. My goodness!! It's crazy town over here!!


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