Monday, October 19, 2020


 Little did we know that when we left school for Spring Break, we would never go back! Spring Break was actually the beginning of our 5 month long summer vacation, with a little bit of digital learning peppered throughout the remainder of the Spring. Our experience was actually wonderful. We had amazing teachers that made things easy for us. The transition went smoothly and the work was manageable. I can't really say the kids learned anything new, they were mostly doing busy work to finish out the school year, but it kept us on a nice little schedule and eased us into summer vacation mode. You'll see the goodness of our Spring and Summer quaratine life in the next few posts. But I thought this picture of Benny was fitting. It's the perfect example of what no schooling does to a 5 year old and I have one word to describe the state of quaratine Benny... FERAL!!

While the severity and uncertainty of the coronovirus varied all around us, while grocery stores had little food on their shelves, while businesses closed and went out of business, and while we were mandated to wear masks and social distance, we experienced some of the happiest moments of our lives. We had time together. We fished, we swam, we played, we puzzled, we had plenty of food, water, and supplies in storage, and we didn't worry because we know who is in charge. Bonus! Wild Florida's Safari exploded with business because it was a completely safe experience. We were truly blessed, that is for sure. 

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