Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Little Philly!

Jackson is playing t-ball this spring and I have to admit... I absolutely LOVE it!!! He is #3 on the Phillies which is funny because when I told my dad that, he said that my first t-ball team was the Phillies!! He has 1 practice a week and a game on Saturday mornings. The practices are so fun to watch and I really love watching the games. Each team bats through twice and our coach pitches to our kids so it usually goes by really quickly. The kids rotate the positions they play so while it's a little boring for the kids when they are in right field, it's pretty action packed in the pitchers circle so it isn't too bad for them. Jackson says he likes playing which is a relief (I was worried at this level he would think it's boring). We have a great coach who keeps it fun for the kids and being at the ball field is really nostalgic for me. I especially enjoyed my snack-shack duty and almost had a fun-dip for old times sake. I had to smile Saturday when I noticed kids playing "butts up" against the snack-shack wall and couldn't believe that was still a sibling little league tradition. I'll enjoy this while it lasts because I don't know if I can keep this kid in baseball forever. 

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