Thursday, August 23, 2012

The First Day of School

Jack Jack has started school!! He is attending First United Methodist 2 days a week. His first day was yesterday and it went very well! We went to an open house the day before so he was familiar with his classroom, his "cubby" and his teacher. When I dropped him off he was a little clingy at first but once he sat down at his table and started playing with the toys, I knew he was going to be just fine... and he was!
I was so excited to pick him up and hear all about it.
The first thing he said was - "Do you have my juice mom? I'm so thirsty!" And his sippy cup was in his backpack untouched. At least he didn't have to pee while he was there!
His favorite part was playing on the playground - he liked the house and the wheel.
He spilled his chips at snack time "All over everywhere!!" But he assured me that his teacher didn't get mad at him and was very nice and had a big scoop that she picked it up with and in the scoop was a marshmallow! He thought that was really funny!
He told me about a picture he colored - of himself in the pool (it is very cute). And that was about it!! 
I'm so proud of my big school boy. 

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