Saturday, September 28, 2019

Miscellaneous March!

Here are the in-betweens!

Benny had been begging ever since we went to the trampoline place for Bubba's birthday to go back. So we did!!
 Spent a Saturday tubing and on the boat!
 This cute little guy has been obsessed with the Eurasian badger in his little book but that darn badger is also giving him bad dreams at night!! A real love/hate relationship going on here.  
 Grocery shopping with my boys! Why does eliminating one of my older children make life so much easier?
 Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
 Spending an afternoon in the toy section of Walmart is a big hit!
 Just catching snakes on our back porch like its no thing!
 Youth temple trip. I photo bombed their family picture actually but in reality I am a part of their family so it was all good. :) 
A sleeping, snuggly Benny!

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