Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Trip to Visit GG

The beginning of March my Grandma, who is 99, started having some health issues. It was really scary at first... I had originally thought I might fly out with the kids during Spring Break to see her one last time but with the wise cousel of my dad we decided to just wait and see how she did. Day to day she improved. She certainly wasn't in the shape she had been before and she now needed professional care to help with meals and using the bathroom. I still was having a tug in my heart to get out and see her, even if her decline was happening very slowly, so I booked a trip for me and Ivy to see her the end of March. I am so glad I did!! We had the absolute best visit with her. She had definately declined sinced the last time I had seen her. Some of our conversation was discouraging (like when she asked me how many children I had or who my brothers were) but for the most part our visit was wonderful. We had a lot of 1-on-1 time just visiting, laughing, reminicing, hugging, crying, loving and just being together. It. Was. Priceless. I cherish this weekend and think about it often, especially because it was the last time I saw her. It truly was a gift. 
We came home with full and happy hearts!!

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