Monday, October 12, 2015

Jackson Plays Flag Football

So while Ivy is busy with soccer, Jackson is busier with flag football. I think we finally found something the boy really likes! (although he does complain about practice) But he really, really, really loves the games. He really is quite good and scores every game. It is so fun to watch! He also, never gives up! If an opponent is running for a touchdown, he will not stop chasing them until he either pulls their flag (often on the 1 yard line!) or they score. It's amazing how he can snag that flag at the very last second. He is, however, playing on the 4-5 year old team (they recommended he play down since he had never played before and the 6-9 year old teams have kids playing with 5 years of experience). That might be why he seems so good! Anyhow, he is happy, we are happy and it has been a really fun season.  (He is #1 by the way)

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