Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Book

I recently finished editing our blurb book that takes your blog and converts all the entries into a book. My cousin Jill mentioned doing it a long while ago and I first downloaded the program then. My sis in law Erika has done a couple if them as well, in fact, I was just looking through one a couple weeks ago that she did for her parents and it really inspired me (because it looked so good) to get cracking and finish the one I started so long ago. I started with just our first year and it has taken awhile formatting the pictures and the text but once it is all said and done, it seems well worth it. I haven't ordered it yet - still need to do a final proof reading before I'm ready to commit but it's been so fun reading all of our old blog posts. And as a book it truly is a good way to document travels, family, friends, activities, hobbies, thoughts, events, etc... Sort of a journal/scrapbook rolled into one. It made me wish I blogged more. Maybe I'll try and throw in a few more posts here and there, and when the finished product is in, I'll let you know how it turned out. But just imagine - your little family blog in the pages of a book! Start now before it seems too overwhelming!!

1 comment:

Cynthia and Bryan said...

I have been working on ours too. it has taken a while to get it how I want it and now to order it :) I wish I would have started blogging right when Bry and I got married or even just when our 1st baby was born. I didn't start blogging until Nov of 2007 and we already had 2 bumbles. I am grateful though for all of the memories it has held for us. While doing our book I had forgotten about some of the stories and events. It will be fun for our kids to read when they are grown up. Glad you are doing well !