Our little guy is 6 months! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I still clearly remember being pregnant and anticipating his arrival. Daniel and I celebrate our 6th anniversary next month and last year, while we were in Mexico, I remember thinking - next year at our anniversary we'll have a 7 month old. And now it is upon us already. I hope I've enjoyed it to its fullest. I think have, it has just gone by too fast.
Some of his latest accomplishments are:
-getting teeth (as previously blogged - they aren't in quite yet)
-rolling over BOTH ways finally! (when we were in California, Jill's Gwen could do it and we kept asking Jack why he couldn't if Gwen could and I think he got sick of it) (and this morning I had laid him on the bed, I was RIGHT there, he rolled over and over so fast I had to run around the other side of the bed to catch him!)
-blowing raspberries
-sitting in the restaurant high chairs (with blankets stuffed all around him)
-sitting (with the help of a boppy)
-bathing in the big tub (in his duckie)
-and wearing bigger diapers :(
Here are some of his latest pictures. Some of them were taken with my phone so aren't the best quality but were too cute to resist.