Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Other Noteworthy December Pictures

Benny has become quite the chef! His specialty? Ramen of course. His favorite afterschool snack. He loves cracking a raw egg into it after he's poured it into his bowl.
Jackson's Osceola Angler Club picture. 
It was squirrel season! Crazy Florida actually has a season for hunting squirrel, right? Benny plucked a couple out of our yard with the new pellet gun he got for Christmas. They taste fine, you just need so many to make a meal of them. Plus, it's really hard to rid of all the fur... we encountered some unappetizing bites because of it. 
Eva took some pictures back in January from the couples reunion in Florida. Here are a couple of me and my babe!

It's a tight squeeze coming in and out of my garage. I knew this day would someday come. It did.
Over Christmas break Ivy, Jackson and I signed up to help sort, package and load groceries for the needy at a hotel in Kissimmee. It was fun doing some community service with my kiddos.
Aunt Christine is the fun aunt because she will actually take Ivy to Starbucks (I refuse).
Pizza and play with all the boys!
Girls Game Night
Daniel had a hotel stay through a Wild Florida trade that expired at the end of the year so we headed over to Melbourne to use it up! We went to a creperie in the morning and while they did look absolutely delicious, they were mediocre. Oh well... you live and learn. 

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