Sunday, April 16, 2023

Jackson is 14

After Daniel's birthday comes Jackson's!! He turned 14 this year. A whole lot is changing with this kid, I feel like right before my very eyes!! I remember when he started the 6th grade thinking that there was a huge difference between the 6th grade boys and the 8th grade boys and now I'm on the flip side!! Now I have the tall, deep voiced man-child! I'm baffled at the idea that he will be in high school in a few short months. 
Jackson is smart as a whip, gets really good grades, is a fishing maniac, loves his friends, is very good at pushing the envelope with all his teachers, is witty, is funny, and is the most antagonizing to his siblings of all brothers in the entire world, enjoys a good meal, hates affection from his mother, can stay up really late, and is the most handsome 14 year old a mother could ever adore. He may be challenging at times and we certainly don't always see eye to eye but I am so grateful for him in every way and feel lucky to be his mother. 
His birthday fell on a Saturday this year so he and Daniel ditched school and work Friday to fish down in Miami. They drove down Thursday night, enjoyed some really good Peruvian cuisine and fished all day Friday. I don't have very many pictures of that. 
Even though he fished all day the day before, he wanted to get up early on his birthday and fish Lake Okeechobee. Benny came along for that one. They pit stopped in Harmony on the way home. 

Had to get my birthday hat pictures when he got home because I was not awake at 5:00 am on a Saturday to see them off. 
That afternoon Daniel and I took him shopping. He wanted to go to the Nike store and few other places. We had a some really nice 1-on-1 time with him. There was  UFC fight that night so naturally he wanted to watch it. We had all the "guys" over. All in all, I think he had a pretty good birthday. 
But of course that wasn't all! The NEXT Saturday we had a pile of his friends over to the house to fish, swim, pickleball, play basketball and box! Pizza, soda, chips, and ice cream cake. It was really fun time! (no pictures though) Love our birthday bubs!

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