Saturday, December 11, 2021

Bye Bye Appendix

 We started the month off with a bang! After a pretty miserable fishing trip (you know something is seriously wrong if this guy is on a boat fishing but not feeling well enough to fish!) I just told him to take a shower and lay down and if he needed someone to take him to the hospital, Jordan was available. He was complaining of pain in his chest and upper stomach... didn't know what it could be but Ivy had a softball game and Jackson and I had activity so we had to go!! 😑 Well. He actually drove himself to Urgent Care who immediately referred him to the ER after an irregular EKG and then after several more tests... x-rays, bloodwork, CT scan, ultrasound, repeated EKGs it was determined... appendicitis! I stopped by the ER with the kids once we were done to visit the patient. Nurse said it would be awhile before they transferred him to the hospital he'd be having surgery first thing in the morning so I went home to get the kids settled. Well, transfer actually happened quite quickly and by the time I got the kids settled at home and in bed Daniel was already heading into surgery! Surgery went smooth and I was waiting for him when he came out. They let me visit for a little longer (it was well after midnight by then) and the next morning, after I got the kids off to school I returned to hang with the patient until they released him that afternoon. His recovery has been super smooth and we are grateful he is okay. We had lots of help, dinner brought over, kids taken care of. We are so lucky and so blessed.   

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