Monday, November 15, 2021

Jackson's First Temple Trip

 Jackson has been eligible to go to the temple this whole year but because of Covid there have been restrictions on temple visits. Even when the temple opened up for baptisms it seemed every time we made an appointment to go we had to cancel due to football or Covid exposure or something! What's hard about planning for the temple now is that you need to snag an appointment on the very first of the of the month for the following month because they fill up so quickly. And then by the time your appointment comes, there is something else scheduled or something else comes up. So here we are... in October already, not having been able to go to the temple and we finally did it!! We actually thought we would have to reschedule again. I made the appointment for a Friday at 11:00. The kids had school off for Fall Break and it was early enough to give us the rest of the day. Well... Daniel had to work, could not get around it, some cousins had football, others had student council obligations, etc... I thought about rescheduling but NO! I wanted Jackson to go and it wasn't ever going to be perfect so we just went with it. We invited some other friends on a whim and we ended up having the most wonderful experience. It was truly a great, beautiful day. Not how I expected but wonderful nonetheless. 

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