Monday, March 22, 2021

More January Pictures

Here are a few other things that went on in January...

Always love a trip to Wild Florida... feeding the birds here. 
Always in a blind somewhere!!
Okay, I might be a little biased, but Florida is soooo beautiful. I have way too many sunrise and sunset photos on my phone... but how can I resist? I live in a beautiful place! These are from my backyard, over the pond behind our house!
We loved having our college nieces home for winter break!!! Always sad to see them go! This particular night was just so fun, I felt such gratitude to have nieces that make me feel like I have a handful of daughters myself! 
This one is a biggie and probably deserved to have it's own post.... Jackson received the priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon and has started passing the sacrament!! I snapped this pictures probably illegally and definitely irreverently!!

He said to me afterwards when he sat down that he felt the spirit. Later that night when I was tucking him into bed I asked him to elaborate a little bit for me if he didn't mind. He said he was feeling nervous about passing (especially once he glanced over his shoulder and saw how many people were in the congregation) so he said a prayer. He explained how he's said prayers before that have been answered and he's always felt better after praying when he's been nervous or scared but this particular moment he felt an inner peace... an actually feeling inside his body of complete peace that he has never felt before and he felt completely better and confident after that. I must admit I was moved to tears hearing him relate this to me and encouraged him to write it down. Well whether he did or not, I am writing it down!! Grateful for his experience. 
Sunday kiddos
On another particular Sunday I wasn't feeling very good. I had a headache and was a little anxious to get home and lay down. (On a side note, on Sundays we do what we call "Sunday Service." My kids are not always thrilled about it but it's something we try to do to make the Sabbath more meaningful and to express gratitude to others, serve others or follow the promptings of the spirit.) The kids were all too anxious to get me comfy cozy in bed and before I know it they are bringing me the most delicious brunch I've ever had... can you believe this? Avocado toast (with chia seeds!!!) and scrambled eggs with toast!! It was so tasty. And so thoughtful. What a lucky momma I am for my kiddos to see a need right within their own home and meet that need on the spot. I was the happy recipient of their Sunday service and am so grateful for them. 

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