Friday, September 16, 2016

My little Kindergartener

Kindergarten has been more of an adjustment for my little girl than I was expecting. She never looked back when she went to preschool or PreK and I guess I just thought that Kindergarten would be the same. I was mistaken. The second day of school she stepped off the bus and asked if she could play at Lillie's house and when I said no she burst into tears. And then didn't stop crying for the rest of the afternoon and evening until bed. Whoa!! It was one thing or another:

Ivy, "My teacher is mean!" 
Me, "Really, honey? Why is she mean?"
"She's always yelling at me!"
"She yells at you? Why does she yell at you?"
"She's always wanting me to do stuff that I don't want to do and I just want to relax!"
(stifling my laugh) "What does she want you to do?"
"Put my backpack away!!!"
Oh boy.

Apparently centers are better in PreK. And circle time is better in PreK. 

At one point, this was during dinner, she was still crying and Daniel was quickly losing patience with her. She looked over at me and quietly said, "I don't even know why I'm crying now mommy!" She just couldn't get it together. 

This girl!! She is just trying to adjust. Getting used to 5 full days of school can be hard for a sweet little carefree 5 year old!! Luckily, we just finished the 5th week of school and it is going much more smoothly. I'm glad we are her safe place, where she can cry and lose it and feel safe letting it all go.

She has had many days since when she has come home with happy, fun-filled reports and gushing compliments about her teacher (who is kind and loving and would never yell and is the farthest thing from mean). We are looking forward to a great year of Kindergarten!

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