Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pico and Cocoa

I'm sure anyone that knows us, knows that we love our 2 little chihuahuas, Pico and Cocoa. We brought Pico home from Mexico over 9 years ago when he was the tiniest puppy without any teeth and we bottle fed him! Cocoa joined our family just 4 months later when I went back to work and we thought Pico could use a  buddy.  They became our babies. And we loved them so!!! But here we are, 9 years later, with 2 children and 2 dogs that don't really like children! It was okay at first... when Jackson was a baby, he didn't bother them too much. And once he started  getting older and a little more handsy Pico and Cocoa started spending more and more time outside. Especially when Ivy came along... there was no time for the dogs and the kids... they became too much work and then they became outside dogs. Well... once they were outside all the time, they started digging. Digging up under our fence and going out everywhere all over the neighborhood. We tolerated that until... Pico bit a neighborhood child. Eek!! So then they were under house arrest. Literally. Out to pee in the morning, in their room all day, out to pee at night and in their room for bed. So sad a life for our little, once beloved, once our own children before children puppers. So we decided to look into adopting them out. It took several months but the right people came along and here they are:
Never been to a groomer a day in their life and now groomed to perfection and beloved once again! So glad they are getting the love and attention they deserve because they really are sweet, loving good little dogs. We miss you Pico and Cocoa but are so glad you are happy! 

In the meantime, Sandy is doing just fine and it well taken care of by the kids... here, Jackson is sharing his beloved blankie with her. 

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