Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Tooth!!

I don't know why I'm so obsessed about Ivy not having any teeth. I know it's perfectly normal. And she is still nursing so who wants their nursing baby to have teeth? Just me I guess.

We were watching old video clips the other day (As Jackson often likes to do) and this particular one was of Jack Jack's first Christmas in California. He was sleeping and sucking on the tag of his blanket. He looked so much like Ivy!! Daniel and I were waking him and as he realizes we are looming over him he gets startled and starts crying. And when he opens his mouth... he has a mouthful of teeth! It was shocking to see him look so much like Ivy and then in an instant look nothing like her because she has no teeth.

So each day I check her lower gum to see if any teeth are breaking through. (You know I'm obsessed about it when Jackson asks me almost everyday if Ivy has teeth yet).

Well folks........ Thursday was the day!! Just the tiniest little portion of a tooth breaking in. I was so excited!! Elated!! Thrilled! I think I even did a happy dance. I know... so silly of me. It only means my baby girl is growing up. But I think the anticipation of it for so long just made it a little more exciting. It was so fun. I know you'll share in my excitement too!! (sarcasm)

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