Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fishing In Jupiter

Daniel planned a spur of the moment trip down to Jupiter to go fishing.
Look at some of the amazing fish he caught!

This was Jackson's first trip!
I was a little nervous packing him all up but he was the best baby!
He slept just fine in his port-a-crib and was happy just tagging along with me at the pool and while we did some shopping!
Here he is enjoying the beautiful day!
Don't you just love his shades?

Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to some sunscreen and for the past 4 days have been swollen and itchy. Really, you'd hardly be able to recognize me.
Today is the first day I feel somewhat like myself again.
It's been miserable!


Linnea said...

Oh Emily..I heard about the allergic reaction. I am so sorry! Where is it you stay when you go down there? Just wondering...that is where my mom lives.

Jill said...

Woa! Hope you are feeling better! And Daniel looks pretty excited about his fish! Nice job.

Samantha said...

My ohh my, Em....I am so sorry. You are right, I wouldn't recognize you! I hope you remember what sunscreen you used. Feel better soon.

Unknown said...

OUch! It looks painful. You were brave to post a picture. Honey, honey, honey. That really sucked. But, at least you don't look like that all the time! Hot mama. I love the picture of Daniel holding Jackson in the pool - what a proud papa.

Lambzann said...

Hey!!I am so sorry about your allergic reaction! What kind did you use? Your little son looks so adorable!!!

Amelia said...

Awesome pictures of Jupiter - those fish are amazing! Jackson looks so cute and cuddly - he's getting so big! I love the picture of the two of you with him in the pool. And your face. Sheesh. If you hadn't taken a picture, I never would have believed you. So sorry, sweet girl!