Saturday, January 7, 2023

Boys Hunting Trip to Texas and a Birthday Boy!

 Daniel took both the boys to Texas for a deer hunt in December. They had an absolute blast and saw a lot of deer but didn't shoot anything (except a couple of wild boar hogs). They all had a great time, though. It happened to fall on Benny's birthday so I missed being with my baby boo bear on his big day (hard for me, not so hard for him). They treated him right! Birthday signs and banners, a birthday hat, special dinner and cake for the kiddo... he was shown a lot of love!! And was as happy as could be! Ivy unfortunately got sick with strep throat while the boys were gone so our girls weekend consisted of staying home and watching movies, doing puzzles and getting lots of sleep. We did venture out to the Minute Clinic to get her some meds and after a couple doses of an antibiotic she started feeling much better. Wasn't the weekend we planned but we still enjoyed each other and the rest. 

I enjoyed my daily picture from the blind!

Daniel sent me this and said Benny felt right at home... in his undies. The cooks and staff got a kick out of him. 
 Boys fished a local pond one afternoon. 
The Birthday Boy!!!

Me and my sickie... 
Frozen hot chocolate on the way home from the doctor.
Dinner at IHOP once she was feeling better. 
Now this was funny... I picked the boys up super late Sunday night... after midnight. It took awhile to get their luggage so by the time we got home and the boys to bed it was well after 1:00 in the morning. Well... school the next day came very early!! We woke Benny up at his usual, 7:15, and he was a struggle bus all morning. He almost fell back asleep on the drive to school! Poor thing was exhausted! When I picked him up after school he came straight in the house, laid down across the ottoman by Rosco and promptly fell fast asleep. This was at 3:30. Dinner time rolled around about 6:30 and he was still fast asleep so we decided we'd move him up to his room... if he woke up he could have dinner and if he kept sleeping then he'd at least be in his bed. Well,  he kept sleeping! And he slept all the way through the next morning when we woke him for school at 7:15 again. This time he was feeling much better!!

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