Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Halloween 2021

We started our Halloween weekend off with the kids storybook parade. As I mentioned, me and my mom went to breakfast afterwards. While we were eating I got a text from Benny's teacher that he didn't seem to be feeling good and wasn't participating in all the fun Halloween activities they were doing. He didn't have a fever but he hadn't eaten his lunch at all and I told her I could pick him up if she thought I should but she asked him and he said he wanted to stay. (I should have picked him up). Later that afternoon, about 30 minutes before school was over she texted me again that he had thrown up in class. Yikes. So I hurried to grab him from school. Our church's Trunk-or-Treat was that night so the poor kiddo couldn't go. He wasn't feeling good at all that afternoon but by the evening he had perked up a bit and was saying he was hungry and wanted to go. We told him he needed to rest if he wanted to Trick-or-Treat on Halloween and so he reluctantly stayed home. So here you'll see my super scary mummy, Tom Brady and typical clothes-less Benny. 

Halloween was on Sunday evening and we enjoyed a nice neighborhood potluck and then trick-or-treating. The kids had a great time. Jackson didn't dress up this year, and didn't trick-or-treat either. He was recovering from an allergic reaction he'd had the night before on the airboat to some bugs so he was a little puffy-eyed. Ivy is sporting her mummy costume again and Benny was the cutest, most perfect little ghost!!


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