Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Easter 2020

The Easter Bunny still showed up in the throws of COVID (barely! Thanks Amazon!) We opened Easter baskets, had a delicous brunch at Grandma Vicky's house, came home and dyed some Easter eggs and then enjoyed an Easter dinner at Ryan and Heather's. 

I can't remember specifically what happened (the down side of blogging 6 months behind) but I do remember that something did happen between Grandma Vicky's and dying Easter eggs that caused me to lose my ever-living-mind and explode on the children. I specifically remember sending each of them to their rooms for a serious break. After a few deep breaths I put on some soothing Easter hymns and prepped the table for egg dying. Each of the children were allowed out of their rooms on the conditions of an apology, and a pledge to be better. I honestly don't recall what happened but what I do recall is a turn-around because egg dying was perfectly pleasant. And clearly I can only remember the happy loving feelings of forgiveness that came afterwards. Isn't that what the Atonement is all about? Exactly why Christ died and how it works. So we can make mistakes, correct them, remember them no more and continue in love and kind feelings toward each other.  Thank you Jesus!!

Happy Easter!!


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