Saturday, November 23, 2019

All the Summer In-Betweens

Evening cookouts with the cuzzies.
 Naptime with the cuzzies :) 
 Silly Shenanigans.
 Can't take enough pictures of this sleeping boy. 
 Cutest hat wearing kid. 
 We managed a few beach trips! 
 Love this sunkissed face. 
 Lots of pool time. 
 Our annual beach trip with all the cousins including our annual crab hunt!!
 We had a lot of cuzzies this year!!
 Daniel and I were in the Bahamas for the 4th of July so Grandma Vicky celebrated with the kids and joined in with the other cousins that were around. 
 This was a fun surprise my nephew and niece from different sides collide in Utah at EFY!!!
Lots of fishing around the pond.

 We stopped by a puppy shop after our annual visit to the Orlando Science Center (no pictures of the Science Center but plenty of all the puppies). It was so fun. All the puppy loving you can handle. 
 Spiderman has made a showing around our house. 
This was a fun Munns cousin line-up. So many cousins and this isn't even all of them!!!

 An epic fishing trip for the boys!! Red snapper!

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