Monday, February 18, 2019

Our First Broken Bone!

Over Christmas break Jackson broke his arm!! Actually, he broke it before Christmas break but we didn't know it was broken until Christmas day. Oops. He had hurt it at his basketball game. The last couple minutes of play another kid fell on his arm as they were both trying to get the ball. He complained that it hurt and we iced it when we got home but by the end of the day he said it felt fine. He complained a couple times during the week at school that it hurt while he was playing basketball at recess and it was tender to touch in a spot but I just figured he bruised it pretty good and it would take some time to heal. Well come Christmas day (evening actually) and he had shot his Uncle Jordan right in the side ab with his new Nerf gun and Jordan grabbed him by his arm and he just crumpled to the floor in pain. At this point it was definitely swollen and the pain he said was the worst it had ever been... even when the boy fell on it. So the next day we took him into the Urgent Care to have an X-ray and sure enough... it was fractured!! They splinted it and sent us home in a sling with directions to ice it and follow up with an orthopaedic specialist in 3-5 days. We got in on New Years Eve morning and they casted it!! 4 weeks. Luckily, they make waterproof casts now so we didn't have to worry about it on our cruise. He hasn't been in much pain and has gotten a lot of attention for it, but he is surely anxious to get that thing off!! 

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