Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Popp-o Poppee... Nnose" (popcorn popping, nose)

This pretty donut eating lass sure gives us a run for our money! To date... I've now extracted 2 popcorn kernels from her nose and a button. The first time I used my eyelash tweezers. The second I used a nifty trick a friend taught me which is to blow in her mouth like I was giving her mouth-to-mouth (not plugging her nose of course) and that sucker popped right out! Freaky and gross, I know. The third incident, the button, wasn't in far enough and I was able to just squeeze it out. Later the same day, she tried putting a "baby rock" as she called it, a small rock in her nose but it didn't fit. What is with this girl?

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