After our lake day Daniel and Jackson went over to a friends house that evening to watch the UFC fight. They usually get home late when they go and this night was no exception. When Daniel crawled into bed near midnight he said to me he wasn't feeling very well, that he was achy and felt like he maybe had a fever. Well the next day (Sunday) he did not get out of bed. Body aches, headache, fever and chills. He felt pretty miserable all day Sunday. On Monday morning he woke up pretty sweaty, had broken his fever and was feeling markedly better. He made an appointment to get corona tested because he was anticipating going to work the next day. Well, after his rapid covid test that afternoon he called to say he was positive for the coronavirus!! He had it! I almost didn't know what to think!! We had to notify everyone we'd been in contact with the previous several days and then we started a strict 14 day quaratine! On Tuesday evening, Jackson said he was feeling a little achy and the next day he had a fever, too. By Thursday his fever was gone, though, and he felt completely normal by Friday. Ivy, Benny and I never fell sick. Those 14 days were some of the longest, yet greatest days of our lives. Daniel's health only continuted to improve so he was never extremely sick. We made a movie night chart and watched a family movie every night. Every. Night. 14 movies!! (all the Back to the Future movies, all the Johny English movies, Ms. Doubtfire, Alexander and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, 17 Miracles, and the Jurrassic Park movies). We went swimming, we read books, we repeatedly checked our chickens (they started laying eggs at this time), we just enjoyed being together because thats all we could do. We made a trip one Sunday to the temple, we worked on our Family History challenge. I really only have fond memories of our time in quaratine which makes me so happy. So many people brought us treats, popcorn, puzzles, etc... We were well cared for and came out in good shape!! I mostly only have pictures of Benny since he was the hardest to entertain.

About 2 weeks after Daniel's recovery, his parents fell ill with the coronavirus. Because we had all either had it or been exposed to it, we were the caretakers for them. Both required daily attention to monitor oxygen levels and take meds but overall they weren't too bad off either and after a few days seemed just fine themselves!! We beat the coronavirus!!