Monday, April 30, 2012
My Boy's Got Moves!!!
Jeff and Hannah's Wedding
Jeff and Hannah were married Saturday, April 21st in the Newport Beach Temple. The sealing ceremony was very nice and the reception that night was so much fun!! We kept ourselves busy as we were waiting for them to come out of the temple by taking lots of pictures (obviously) and I tried to snap as many as I could at the reception, too. The next day Jeff and Hannah were off to Hawaii, lucky kids, so we didn't see as much of them as we would have liked but we are excited for Hannah to join the family and look forward to getting to know our new sister and aunt! Love you guys!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Woot woot!!
My girl slept through the night for the very first time last night!! Down at 8:30 and not up until 8:00!! Let's hope it's a new trend!
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Friday, April 27, 2012
We just enjoyed a very nice trip out to California for my youngest brother, Jeff's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and so much fun! Jeff and Hannah are a beautiful couple and Hannah is a perfect addition to the family. I took a lot of pictures at the wedding but it is a post all in itself that will be next but here are just a few from the rest of the trip. Filled mostly with cousin time.
The plane ride is always a little stressful for me and the flight out was pretty nightmarish but the flight back was much better. I'm just glad the traveling is over. We went to one of Uncle Nate's baseball games (Ivy sported her very first ponytail ever and loved the licorice - note the double fist)
We were at Nate and Dara's probably more than they wanted but they were good sports about it. Jack looooved his cousins, the trampoline and the pool (Ivy wasn't thrilled about the pool but also enjoyed her cousins). We loved staying with my mom and all the treats and toys she spoils the kids with and they even spent a long evening with my dad at his place (which he was a good sport about even if my kids were a handful!!)
We visited with GG and gramps and saw my cousin Jill and her girls. It was a very nice trip... wish it were a few days longer.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Today Is The Day
Today is the day that I will declare Ivy an official walker!! Today is the day she decided to walk more than crawl and she has really taken off!! Sweet girl!!
This video was taken this afternoon at the splash pad. We weren't planning on swimming which is why she isn't wearing her suit but I couldn't keep her away!
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This video was taken this afternoon at the splash pad. We weren't planning on swimming which is why she isn't wearing her suit but I couldn't keep her away!
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Our Easter Holiday
Our Easter Sunday was such a nice day. My only complaint is that church is so early!! (9:00) We didn't have time for anything except getting ready in the morning (and snapping a few pictures of course) so we saved our Easter basket opening for afterwards. It is always so fun watching the kids go through their goodies. After baskets we enjoyed naps and then over to Daniel's parents for an Easter feast and serious egg hunting. The weather was perfect and it was just a nice day full of family and good food! Of course I feel it appropriate to mention the reason for the celebration... our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! How truly blessed we are to know not only that Christ atoned for every one of us, but that he overcame death! And we, too, will do the same!! We are all part of a perfect plan, the plan of salvation - the plan of happiness, and I'm so grateful to know about it and lucky to have a Savior that loves me and my family!

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