In January we had our 2nd "annual" Munns Girls Trip!
I have "annual" in quotes because our last one was 4 years ago in New York!
We've recommitted ourselves after this amazing cruise to truly making this a yearly event.
We had so much fun!!
My only complaint is that we weren't able to take Erika and Christine along
because they are too pregnant.
We missed you guys!!
Below are some of the highlights:
This is the very first picture of the trip! Me & Leah in the back seat on the way to the ship.

Here is our car full!

This is a picture of a picture which is why it's not great quality.
But it's our entire party as we arrived on the ship and we are all wearing our cute crusin' shirts!

Me and my fabulous roomie - Tiff.
(We really had a great time! Staying out late, hot tubbing, sleeping in, eating, running, reading, laying out by the pool, laying out on the beach, biking, and taking the stairs everywhere we went- even if it meant 9 flights up)
The other roomies

Muster Stations! One of the BEST parts of the cruise!

Our fantastic day on Castaway Cay!
The 3 of us really did it right! The bike ride was one of my most favorite activities!

I had a video - but it wouldn't upload :(

Watching one of many Disney shows!

The memorable Pirate Par-tay!
Dinner - of course!

Stompin' around in style
And the lovely couple who made it all happen!!
Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful trip! We love you!