As most of you know, Daniel is big into hunting... and I am not. He is very diligent in trying to change my mind, and I do believe that I have come around on many things. I have handled, shot and currently own guns, which I would have never, ever thought would happened. I have allowed him to hang his animal mounts in his office which, previously, I would have never allowed anywhere in my home! And I try to be supportive of him when he goes (quite often) on hunting trips. But to actually hunt myself, no, I don't want to ever do that. I DID, however, agree to going gator hunting and Daniel was so excited. Here is my reasoning on this. If given the chance - a gator would annihilate me in seconds. A deer - not so much. Gators are a nuisance, dangerous and over populated. I tried to think of them as giant cockroaches - which I have NO problem killing. Deer - while their population must be controlled as well, can be hunted by those who want to - not by me. They are too beautiful. Anyhow, I was able to get 2 gators. This is how it's done. You first harpoon them, then drag them back to the boat and when they are close enough you kill them with a bang stick. Both of my gators were just over 7 feet and yes, their heads are being mounted as we speak. Please don't think any differently of me... I have just become a product of my environment. :)