That is the name of the made-up song little Jack and I were dancing to yesterday.
Can I just tell you, I love my new life as a mom!! There is really nothing better. And what also helps is that I have the best baby ever! Okay, I'm sure everyone thinks their baby is the best but you have to give Jack props for already sleeping through the night (going on 3 weeks now!).
These are just a few things he has been up to lately:
He sleeps through the night (already mentioned but worth repeating)
He smiles all the time
He rarely cries
He talks, talks, talks, talks, talks!
He is so good at his exercises that include holding up his head, standing up, sitting up, kicking and scooting on his tummy
(He spends a lot of time in his baby gym because he loves it!)
He loves bath time. He especially loves kicking in the bath - I'm soaked by the end.
He drools, a lot - yuck.
(Side note... anyone who knows Daniel will know he dry heaves at the sight of drool/spit up/vomit. Well just the other day, when Jack was drooling all over him, he utter the phrase "it's not so bad when it's your own" Can you believe it??? Made my day!)
He is losing his hair :(
He loves to be read to
He is just an absolute JOY to be around. There is no other person I'd rather spend my days with.
Here are a few pics so you can enjoy him, too!
Right after beloved bath time!

During a photo shoot session.

His very first play date with cousin Porter.

Being read his favorite book (it really is his favorite... he smiles everytime I read it)

Working out in his gym was exhausting so he took a nap... and was smiling throughout it.
Tomorrow I go back to work for the last day of school.
I've been having serious anxiety over it, too.
I know Jackson and Daniel will be fine together, but I don't know if I will be!!
Thank goodness it's only a day!!