I'm sure everyone in attendance will agree that I was given the BEST baby shower EVER!!
Looking around the room I was overwhelmed by the love of family and friends that surrounded me. I am a truly blessed person!! Here are some pictures from the big day!
Below is the cutest cake made by Brittany Pratt!

Here are the Munns girls! Both Leah and Shanda flew in from out of town for the shower which meant so much to me for them to be there!
(By the way... I know I look huge!)

I also had 3 of my old college roomates from out of state in attendance. Again... I have such wonderful friends!! Here is Cristall and Molly.

Here is Eva... the Hostess extraordinaire with my other old roomie Amelia.
Everyone will agree that Eva throws the best parties and this one ranks about at number one! It was perfect!

And last, but certainly not least, my MOTHER was here, too!!! Hooray!
I can't wait until she's back for the arrival of the little one!

Thanks again to Eva and my sisters... Heather, Shelly and Kara for your hard work in throwing me the best baby shower a girl could ever dream of.