Here we are in California! We enjoyed a brief visit with my family in California for the Christmas holidays. My only complaint... we weren't there long enough!

Here is my cheesy-smile-but-oh-so-adorable nephew, Jakers, and cute little Baylee who is, surprisingly, sleeping!

Here is a nice photo of me, my brothers and my dad. I really, really, really miss them and hate living so far away... sniff, sniff...

Me and my dad taking a festive Christmas photo!

Here I am with Baylee (of course...I didn't put her down all night) my cousin Jill, my sister Dara and my beautiful niece Hallee!

Here they are... the couple of the year! Grandma and Grandpa - the cutest lovebirds you'll ever know!

Here are all the great grandbabies - I'll have to admit... my heart just aches looking at this picture, wishing I had one of my own in there.

Here is Sam and girlfriend Skyler (shoot... or is it Skylar? I can't remember!) But we love her!! and you too Sam!

Jeff and Daniel... don't worry Daniel... Jeff is smiling enough for the both of you!

Our Christmas Eve host and hostess! My dear Aunt Sandee and my Uncle Roland.

And here is Jill, Paul and their baby, Kate - another reason I wish we had stayed longer... so we could have seen more of them!